Wednesday, May 5, 2021 05/05/21

Club of the Year!

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awards, updates

Schulich Ignite is excited to announce that we have received the 2020-2021 SU Club of the Year Award! Thank you to the Student’s Union for the recognition, we are honoured to be the recipients of the award this year.

Although the pandemic changed the course of our usual in-person sessions, it has also provided us the opportunity to expand like never before. We have been able to double the number of students and mentors participating in our workshops this semester as well as increase the scope of content that we teach. It is truly rewarding to see more and more students enjoy learning with us and taking an interest in programming.

We would like to say a big thank you to all of our mentors who volunteer their time every week to help inspire younger students. Additionally, we would like to extend our gratitude to all of our sponsors and Dr. Mohammad Moshirpour for their continued support of the club and believing in our mission.

We are excited to continue to provide high quality coding workshops to our community and look forward to seeing what the future holds!