Thursday, Sep 21, 2023 09/21/23

Introducing language indicators

A new way to learn about languages

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updates, web, seo, blog

Author(s) information

Kieran Wood

I’m a computer science major, with a minor in philosophy. I love to do open source work, especially in scripting, automation, web development, API’s, CLI’s and dev ops!

We have quite a few posts on the ignite blog now (over 30!!), and are always continuing to improve it. Today we are implementing a new system, language indicators. On some posts you will now see language indicators. These are little markers to indicate which language(s) are featured in the post:

Language indicator on blog list view:

Language indicator in article:

Clicking on a language will take you to that language’s overview page. At launch we have python and Javascript. You can also access these in the menu under Media > Languages. On these pages you will see 2 sections, the basics and advanced. For example here is the python page:

The basics gives you all the information you need to get started with a language, where advanced covers advanced topics, and how they are implemented in a language. Going forward we plan to have these language indicators setup for CSS, HTML, C, C++ and Visual Basic, and they will be slowly added as we go!

The last thing we have also done is improve our URL structure. For series the URL’s will now be /blog/<series>/<post>, which will hopefully make it clearer which series a post is a part of and improve SEO! As always we love to have people reach out to help with any of our content, or to volunteer as a mentor. If you are interested in getting involved check out our contact page. If you want to join a course, check out our sessions in the top left of this page!