Ignite Flare is an 8 week intermediate python course, split up into 1.5 hour sessions once a week. The aim of the course is to build on top of the fundamentals that are taught in the beginner course. There is a heavy focus on game development throughought the course, and it’s a great next step in learning programming.
The course will take you beyond fundamentals of python, and into the fundamentals of object oriented programming, as well as tackling more difficult problems. You will be able to take the knowledge you learn in the course and transfer it to all sorts of languages!
Right from the start you will be able to see your progress! We make sure we start with exercises where you can see the results instead of just staring at text on a screen
We also have an end of session gala where we have industry speakers come in and do presentations. We give mentees a chance to show off their projects (if they want to) as well!
We are currently looking for mentors and mentees. You can signup at the links below which will also have all the details about the times and dates the sessions will run.